Goldenrule#4: Do Not Postpone Happiness

This blog serves to help people find different opportunities that may be of interest along with some tips and tricks. Even though it is important to work hard, it is also important to treat yourself once in a while.

I once heard, “Do not postpone happiness.”

I realized how easy it was to become distracted by work and lose sight of the simple pleasures of life.

I wanted to include this as a Goldenrule because it is important to live life as one desires. Life is short. We hear this all the time, but people still find themselves stuck, doing things they do not want to do.

What makes you happy? How often do you get to do those things?

Set aside time for yourself no matter how busy you may be.

If you enjoy watching a movie, wrapped up in blankets, with a bowl of popcorn to your side, schedule a night for yourself.

If you enjoy trying new cuisines & restaurant touring with friends, set aside some money for Friday night and GO.

Do not let excuses weigh you down. Think about what prevents you from being happy. The faster you realize that it is yourself, the quicker you can get to living your life. It is not necessary to close doors, but it is time to start thinking about opening new ones.
