Goldenrule#1: Mentor vs. Sponsor

Write this on your “to-do” list.

–Find a Mentor and a Sponsor.

What’s the difference?

Mentor: A mentor is someone that you trust and challenges you. They care about your career and are involved in some or most of your career impacting/life decisions! Your mentor sheds light on new opportunities for you and serves as a guide.

Sponsor: A sponsor cares more about your brand within the firm. They should be very influential in the workplace and can recommend you for positions you want.

A mentor can be anyone! They need to be someone who you can tell “the good, the bad, and the ugly.” While a sponsor is strictly professional so start looking towards partners or managers at your job.

Finding your mentor and sponsor is crucial to your success. Once you reach your goals and are at great place during your career, think about becoming someone else’s mentor or sponsor. Keep the cycle of opportunities flowing!
